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Somatic Wisdom Therapy

For Your Health, Life, Relationships

"It's decades of therapy, in just a few minutes"

"Cassie is absolutely amazing!!! Within minutes she can get to the root cause of why you may be feeling emotionally or physically unwell. It's decades of therapy in just a few minutes. To get right to what you need to resolve to heal, to flourish, and live a fantastic life! She is truly talented and really helps to make the healing journeys smooth, easy, and loving as possible! I will continue to see her as I've already seen the benefits of her therapy in my own life and I am eternally grateful. She is truly talented and very well educated in her field of expertise."

- Leah Mark

Free Consultation

Get your questions answered and find out what it might be like to work with Cassie. You'll have 30 minutes to share your story, ask questions, and discover if this work is a fit for what you are looking for.

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Private Sessions

The support you need to get to the root of what is driving your symptoms and the clarity to move forward in YOUR most aligned and authentic way.

Group Program

The healing support you want in the community space you need. This is an ongoing monthly online support program. Members receive ongoing coaching and support from Cassie and other group members as well as weekly guided energy clearings and a discount on all private sessions.



find your

Have you tried everything to heal your body, yet you're still experiencing symptoms, pain, or dis - ease?


Do you feel like you are paddling hard upstream against the current?


Are you trying to escape the unshakeable feeling that something is missing in your life but you just aren't sure what?


Are you tired of experiencing the same old repeat relationship patterns and want to break free to a new level of connection and intimacy?


Allow me to introduce you to your Inner Wisdom and teach you to communicate with the intelligence that already exists within you. I can assure you that the only reason we struggle in life is because we don't understand the language of our Higher SELF.


Honing your ability to CONNECT with, LISTEN, and TRUST your Inner Wisdom changes everything.It heals your body, transforms your relationships, and restores your trust in yourSELF. To come into alignment is to discover new depths of love that you didn't know before.


It allows us to know deeply who we are, what we came here to do and to forge a path forward that is deeply aligned with the life our soul came here to experience.

Meet The Founder

Dr. Cassie Seal

Welcome to CassieSeal.Love! I'm really excited that you are here. I am a

Doctor of Physical Therapy and a skilled body work and somatic practitioner.


I'm on a mission to change all that isn't working with the current medical paradigm and it begins with restoring our individual connection to ourselves.


I've been passionate about studying the human body since I was a little girl. I received my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007 and since then I have been on a mission to understand what drives the healing process. After discovering a long list of what doesn't work both in my personal and professional life, I finally stumbled upon what does. 


In 2011, I found Dr. John Upledger's work and his theory about how we each have an Inner Wisdom that (if we get out of its way) is constantly guiding our healing journey. The only problem was that I was so disconnected from my own Inner Wisdom - I didn't know how to hear its voice, but I was determined to learn.


In a busy Physical Therapy clinic where many thought I was crazy I started putting my hands on my patients and listening for what their Inner Wisdom was trying to tell them. I started by asking the body a series of yes/no questions and progressed to being able to have conversations with the organs of the body. I found that the body could literally tell me what was driving my patients symptoms.


My healing journey was an invitation to come back into alignment with my Higher SELF and so is yours. If you think you might benefit from working with me, reach out, I'd love to support you!


Let's Connect

914 Lincolnway West

South Bend, IN 46614


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